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Which Enneagram Type is Donald Trump?

Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, is a polarizing figure who has sparked intense debate and discussion throughout his time in office and beyond. One way to understand and make sense of his behavior and personality is through the lens of the Enneagram, a personality typing system that identifies nine distinct personality types. So, which Enneagram type is Donald Trump?

Trump aligns with the type 8, also known as the Challenger

According to some Enneagram experts, Trump aligns with the type 8, also known as the Challenger. Type 8 individuals are assertive, self-confident, and strong-willed. They often take a leadership role and have a strong drive to protect themselves and those around them. They can also be confrontational and unwilling to back down, even in the face of opposition.

 Donald Trump Paiting

Trump's behavior throughout his career, particularly during his time as President, seems to align with many of the characteristics of the type 8.

Donald Trump is well known for assertiveness and his confidence. Really often he speaks in confrontational manner. He can not admit any loose and is determine to his straight forward goals.

Trump's focus is on achieving success

Trump's focus on achieving success and accumulating wealth and status throughout his career could certainly be seen as consistent with the type 3. He has also been known to be highly image-conscious, often carefully crafting his public persona and behavior. Additionally, some experts have pointed to instances of manipulation in his behavior, particularly in his use of social media to control the narrative.


It should be noted that the Enneagram is not an exact science and it's not a definitive tool for determining a person's personality type. It's based on self-reported behavior and self-perception, and some individuals may not fit neatly into one specific type. Additionally, people can change over time, and their personality type may evolve.

Donald Trump aligns with type 8 Challenger and type 3 Achiever

In conclusion, while some experts believe that Donald Trump aligns with the type 8 Challenger, and others believe that he aligns with the type 3 Achiever, it's not a definitive answer. The Enneagram is a helpful tool for understanding personality and behavior, but ultimately, it's important to remember that everyone is complex and multi-faceted. Additionally, Trump's behavior as a private citizen and as a president may reflect different characteristics, and therefore different enneagram types.

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