Discover Your Enneagram Type with the Best Enneagram Test
Our Enneagram Test Helped More Than 30,000 People!
We all take in the world in different ways. Some people are more verbal, others understand the world better through the written word, or through...
Extroverts are known to thrive on excitement, energy, social interactions, and attention. Extroverts often seek new and exciting experiences and...
Personality tests are often met with criticism, but they allow you to explore your mind and understand what makes you, you. Enneagram tests have...
Stress is my middle name. I’m always tired, stressed, and fed up with my daily routine. A day doesn’t go by without feeling drained and...
My days are hectic. From caring for the children to work commitments, I often find my days long, stressful, and quite tiring. Burn-out comes easily...
All of the 9 Enneagram types have their weak points, and when it comes to loving them it can be challenging. Each of the Enneagram types, in their...
The Enneagram test is designed to evaluate each individual’s response to situations and stress, and though this to classify them as one of...
The Enneagram is a basic personality test that can tell you what type of a personality you have. It is derived from two Greek words, ennéa...
The official definition of a three is “the success-oriented, pragmatic type: Adaptable, Excelling, Driven, and Image-Conscious.
Type twos are described as being “the caring, interpersonal type: Generous, Demonstrative, People-Pleasing and Possessive”. Type 2 The...
This type of person is “principled, purposeful, self-controlled and perfectionistic
The type 1 personality in an Enneagram test is the...
Enneagram is a personality mapping system which uses patterns and trends in people’s personalities and helps them understand how they see the...
The Enneagram test is a great way to understand the personality types that exist as a part of the fundamental nature of human beings. Every person...
In the last few decades, the Enneagram Test has become a prominent alternative to the Myers & Briggs personality test. The Enneagram Theory...
Personality Matters?
Personality metrics and emotional intelligence seem to be playing an ever-increasing role in our world today. Everything from...
Your personality is developed over time by the relationship that you share with the essential qualities. That make human beings good such as love,...
The triads in the Enneagram were discovered and classified by Psychologist Karen Horney, as she was studying the direction that we move relative to...
The Enneagram test segregates the nine basic personality types found in humans into three triads. This three triads are dominant emotion groups. At...
Dominant Affect Groups are critical for work that is transformational in nature as it shows the typical emotional chatter that we bring into our...
The Peacemaker - Type 9 - These are peaceful people (as the name suggests). They trust easily, accept quickly and don’t presuppose. But they...
According to the official definition a Type 8 - The Challenger is “the powerful, dominating type: Self-Confident, Decisive, Wilful and...
Type 7 - The Enthusiast - they are extroverts. They are able to adapt themselves to situations and are versatile, easy going and are very...
Type 4 - The Individualist, they are honest people with a creative bent. On the flip side, they can get emotionally unstable, moody and very...
Type 6 - The Loyalist - These people are committed and totally focused on their security. The official definition of a type 6 is that they are...